Leak Detection
Swimming Pool Leak Detection & Repair
In the west-central area of Florida, it is normal to lose an 1/8’’-1/4’’ of water in your pool each day due to evaporation.
**Remember, pump and filter leaks will result in drips, puddles, and spraying of water at pool equipment.
Water loss in the pool will fluctuate depending on environmental conditions such as the weather and your pools proximity to water (i.e., The gulf winds and/or open golf courses).
Design factors regarding your pool will also affect its water loss- the surface area, whether or not there are fountains, spa overflows, and such water features that expose the water to air. Heating the pool or covering it will also affect its evaporation rate.
Note: in Florida, the lack of humidity (dryer air) causes greater water loss- this is usually in our winter months NOT summer months. Also, more water loss is experienced when we have larger temperature differences between day and night.
Also, warm water and dry, cool air cause a lot of evaporation (i.e., using your spa on a cool night).

The best way to find out if the pool is leaking is to do a 24-hour measurement of the pool’s water loss.

If you call for a leak repair, please have the following information on hand
If you are unable to do an accurate 24-hour measurement, we are happy to do it for you.
Note- the day the service technician arrives to search for a leak, the pool must be clean and clear and filled back up to the normal level.
**Remember, the more accurate you can be with your measurement, the more cost-efficient we can be in locating your leak.